About the Database

TransForm’s GreenTRIP Parking Database includes data gathered at multi-family residential sites around the San Francisco Bay Area. Data collection began in November 2013, and is ongoing. The data shows parking supplied, and parking used, at each site.

Use the parking database to search for sites similar to a project you have in mind and to see actual parking used for households in a particular location, within a certain type of residence, or at sites with traffic reduction strategies. Reports can be printed and shared with developers and decision-makers.

For more information about the GreenTRIP Parking Database, visit the GreenTRIP website. You can always access the database at database.greentrip.org.

We invite you to learn more about GreenTRIP Connect, a dynamic model that will build on the Parking Database. GreenTRIP Connect will allow anyone to instantly see how much less driving and parking is possible when strategies for reducing traffic and increasing affordability are included in any multi-family housing project. More information on GreenTRIP Connect can be found here.


For more information about TransForm, go to our website. TransForm promotes walkable communities with excellent transportation choices to connect people of all incomes to opportunity, keep California affordable and help solve our climate crisis. With diverse partners we engage communities in planning, run innovative programs and win policy change at the local, regional and state levels.

Please contact Jennifer West, GreenTRIP Policy Analyst with questions, jwest@transformca.org.

The database website tool was developed by
the Center for Neighborhood Technology